
Three Classic Hikes Abroad - Paul Scott Mower once said, "There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country?" If you've ever contemplated going abroad to find your next trail, here are 3 classic hikes to consider.

Kimberley a diamond in the wilderness - On the border of the Northern Cape and Free State, 177km west of Bloemfontein, lies Kimberley, the capital of the of the Northern Cape.

Love the outdoors Consider Gatlinburg cabin rental - Love the outdoors, looking for adventure, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation? Gatlinburg, Tennessee, located in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains, is the perfect vacation spot for families looking for outdoor adventure and entertainment.

Mandurah Western Australia A Holiday Destination For All - Mandurah is located approximately 72kms south of Perth - Western Australia.

Cheap Reservations Without The Hassle - - Plan your vacations on off seasons, Hotel rates, even airline and car rental rates are lower during this time due to lower demand.

Las Vegas An Englishmans Experience - Las Vegas is a long way from Europe.

Getting a Peek Behind the Scenes at Walt Disney World - If you've ever wondered what it takes to make Walt Disney World create its legendary magic, then a behind the scenes tour may be for you.

Magaluf Holidays - Magaluf is one of the best destinations to go to if you are after a good lively time with plenty of fun, drink and good times if you get my drift.

Italian architects in Bangkok monuments to their artistry - Italian architects in Bangkok, Annibale Rigotti and MarioTamagno have created magnificent landmarks in the city, a throne hall, two palaces, an old Catholic church of Portuguese origin, a memorial library for a Danish Protestant and the building hou.

Antietam National Battlefield - If you're a history buff, Antietam National Battlefield is a national park you have to see.

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