Flying J Travel Centers and Truck Stops Best of BreedIf you are traveling by truck, motor home are car this summer anywhere in the United States then you might consider Flying J Travel Centers and Truck Stops. They are clearly a class act and they are the best of breed, as they are clean and have many services available.If you own an RV then they have a separate set of pumps just for you with either diesel or gasoline. They also have propane fill ups and an RV dump to get rid or your waste and gray water. For trucks they have many pumps with often 8-10 bays so there is not usually a wait and that means you can stay on schedule and on time even with all the summer traffic and incessant lane closures on our highways due to construction.For the weary four-wheeler or passenger cars and SUVs, well Flying J also makes a very nice stop for the trip with their huge Convenience Stores, Subway Sandwiches or Wendy’s Hamburger right inside. Some even have sit down restaurants too. Flying J Travel Centers and Truck Stops are indeed Best of Breed and it shows.They have frequent fueler cards for RVs and Trucks, a lounge and even place to do your laundry and lots of parking too. So whether you are in an RV like me or drive a truck for a living, or are simply going to Grandmother’s house on your summer vacation, perhaps you will consider this in 2006. (I am not affiliated in any way with Flying J; just a loyal customer who thought you should know). .Lance Winslow.Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Lance_Winslow. .By: Lance Winslow
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